Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Install Android for PC

Step by Step Guide to Install Android on Windows 7:
1. Boot into Windows 7.
2. Open the browser and head to http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads3. Download and install VirtualBox for Windows hosts.
4. Go to http://code.google.com/p/live-android/downloads/list
5. Download the latest version of LiveAndroid.iso
6. Open VirtualBox.
7. Click on “New” on the left side pane and proceed in the new sub-window.
8. Enter “Android” as the OS name.
9. Select “Other” as operating system and “Other/Unknown” as the version.
Android on windows 7
Android on windows 7
10. Assign 128MB of memory after proceeding to the next screen.
11. Select “Boot Hard Disk” and then “Create new disk”.
12. Choose whatever you like in the next screens unless the wizard ends. Then click “Finish” to close the wizard window.
13. In VirtualBox’s main window, select “Android” from the left side pan and click “Start”.
14. “First Run Wizard” will start.
15. Proceed and select “CD/DVD ROM” as media type.
16. Select “Image file” as media source.
Android on Windows 7
Android on Windows 7
17. Click on the browse button to open a new window.
18. Click “Add” at the top and select the LiveAndroid.iso file which you downloaded in step 5.
19. LiveAndroid.iso has been added to the list, select it and press the “Select” button at the bottom.
Android on Windows 7
Android on Windows 7
20. Proceed and finish.
21. Viola! You have booted into Android!
Android on Windows 7
Android on Windows 7
22. You don’t need to follow all of these steps every time you want to run Android. Just select Android from the VirtualBox’s main window and that’s all.
23. Enjoy and don’t forget to share this post.

Senin, 11 Juli 2011

Gagal Maning Gagal Maning... Belum Rejeki gueeee

Pengumuman Lima Unggulan Lomba Desain Logo Pokja AMPL

July 11th, 2011

Logo AMPL yang lama

Lomba Desain Logo Pokja AMPL telah berakhir, begitu banyak desain yang panitia terima. Kami mengucapkan terimakasih kepada seluruh peserta yang telah ikut berpartisipasi. Setelah melewati tahap-tahap penjurian awal, akhirnya terpilih 5 logo sebagai unggulan. Proses penjurian masih berlangsung. Pemenang akan diumumkan melalui website www.ampl.or.id dan www.sanitasi.or.id. tanggal 10 Agustus 2011.

Berikut kami publikasikan 5 Logo yang berhasil masuk menjadi unggulan (urutan berdasarkan abjad nama):

Ariesza N Chandra – Kalimantan Selatan

Bayu Mahendra Sadewo – Jakarta

Endang Sunandar – Jakarta

Mamiek Eko Yudha Maryono – Surabaya

Wahab Anshori – Tasikmalaya

Info dari http://ampl.or.id/lomba/?p=19

coba kasih komen dong bandingkan design saya sama para nominator kelimanya di atas. terima kasih atas saran dan kritiknya....

Nie design karya gue akang-akang mbak-mbak, jangan lupa komentarnya ditunggu!!!!!!